Hair fierceness!!

Style for natural hair + Night time Makeup

2013-01-21 16.18.40Hey! So my sister sometimes holler at me for a hair styling and pampering session. She trusts me, therefore, my creative juices start flowing abundantly. LOL. I love having freedom to come up with something fresh and exciting!

Well for this particular style, I gathered most of her coils in a nice chignon. For the top part, I used small flexirods at the top but it didn’t turn out exactly how I wanted for 2 reasons.

Firstly, she just had 2 packs of flexirods so I had to put more hair that I initially planned in each flexirods. I was going to use some of mine but  someone had them (Yes, YOU V!) and didn’t bring them back in time!

Secondly, the flexirods only stayed in her hair for 2 hours which is obviously not enough when you have coarse and thick hair. Wearing the flexirods overnight would have been ideal!

I also did her makeup. She said she loved the smokey eyes and she kept smizing… She’s been good at smizing since we were kids. LOL. I’m not a professional makeup artist but I love anything that has to do with beauty, I believe I have a lot of common sense and I think I know what looks good or not on a woman. Overall, she loved it and she told me that she got a ton of compliments that night. YAY!

P.S.: You already know I’m stealing those earings.. WORKKKKKKKK sista!

I want to mention that I’m sorry for any speling and grammar mistakes in my recent blogs. I’m currently going through some difficulties concentrating and the person who used to help me is not available right now. If english is your first language and you want to help, please let me  know!!

On a personal note, let me say that I’m happy, blessed and also grateful. Getting older is such a great thing in the sense that you get a better sense of yourself (wisdom, worth), what you ultimately want in life (purpose, goals) and also what you choose to accept from others (values, respect, love etc). I was always afraid to get older…but now I get it. Thank you Jesus. Hopefully, you are sharing those feelings too! Have a nice day…or night!

Laurie xox


2013-01-21 16.08.462013-01-21 15.01.58

2013-01-21 16.13.25

4 responses

  1. Vee

    I think you did a great job! I already know hair is your thang but the makeup is bangin’

    January 22, 2013 at 12:16 am

  2. Juliette

    your sister looks amazing and still have beautiful hair with or without the perm. I remember her from high school and we both graduated the same year. Gee is pretty.

    January 23, 2013 at 6:33 am

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